
Saturday, September 10, 2011

What is birth like?

Birth is different for everyone. And each labor is usually different for the same mom. Women use many different words to describe the feelings and sensations of birth. I think the best way to describe it is intense. Giving birth to another human being, having a person pass through you and out into the world is probably the most intense experience I can imagine. It is intense physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It takes strength you didn't know you had. It takes determination, faith, and trust in yourself, your body, and your baby. In spite of the level of intensity, it does not have to be painful. Many women describe pleasure, even ecstasy during their births, while others describe a lot of pressure.

One of the most important things to remember about birth is that it is a journey, and only you and your baby can make that journey. No one else, no machine, no doctor, no doula can make it for you. Your team is there to support you throughout, but it is yours. You will have to go deep inside yourself and make that journey through each twist and turn of labor. You and your baby will need to work together, reassuring each other, talking to each other..connected. You will have to face the intensity of physical, emotional, and spiritual sensation of each moment. When you anticipate and realize the normalcy of the intensity, you will be able to let go of any fear you may be holding about birth. It is normal. Just as your body knows how to breathe, it knows also how to birth.

One of the tools I love for labor preparation and use during labor is the Birthing from Within LabOrinth. Take a moment and go read the article about it. It describes perfectly the journey of birth. Labor is not a delineated process as medical texts describe, and women don't experience it as neat and tidy as "1st, 2nd, and 3rd stage". It is a winding road, and a path that once you begin you must finish. At the end of the path is your precious baby and the completion of the journey.

Every woman must figure out how to best complete her birthing journey, and that starts in pre-conception and pregnancy as you choose your doctor, your birthing place, your birthing team (doula, friend, midwife, etc), your childbirth preparation class, and most importantly the mindfulness of yourself, your body, and your baby. Every bit of preparation sets the stage for the beautiful day when you pass from the world of a woman to that of a mother.


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