
Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Cost - and Worth - of a Doula

Many people may wonder about a doula's fees. Here is a GREAT article breaking down doula fees. Here is an exerpt:
If you charge $400 per birth, this is a simple breakdown to consider:
Time with parents – 5 hours (prenatals and phone calls)
Time at birth – 10 hours (sometimes much longer, sometimes much shorter, but 10 is a midline average).
Time in postpartum – 3 hours
Postpartum visits if you offer 2 – 3 hours
Driving time – 3 hours average.
Prep and research time – 2 hours
At 26 hours, you’re rate is approximately $15.38 an hour.
This is just an example, but you can see that doulas are not getting rich in our line of work. I can only speak for myself to say that I do this work because it is my passion to help families have the best birth and postpartum experience they can have!!

As for the WORTH of a doula, I would have to say (in my unbiased opinion, ha ha) that we are priceless! You can never get back your birth experience. You can never get back the first few precious weeks of your baby's life. Yet you will always remember them, and wouldn't it be wonderful if you could experience and remember them with joy and no regrets? This is not to say that doulas are a magic pill or cure all, but evidence does show that they contribute to a better birth experience, increased breastfeeding success and reduced rates of postpartum depression. I once read that hiring a doula is making an investment in your family. I couldn't agree more! Beginnings matter, and you and your baby deserve the best beginning possible!

If you are having a hard time financially and want to have a doula, try asking your friends and family to put money towards one for your baby shower. Or forego some of the baby products we all think we need but then only use once or twice (wipe warmer, diaper genie, swing, port-a-crib, 10,000 onesies). You may also look for doulas who offer discounted rates or a bundle charge for multiple services (as I do with combined Birth and Postpartum services).


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