
Sunday, November 20, 2011

to educate

Hello my dear ones.. it has been a while, hasn't it? I have been a busy little doula. Between prenatals and births and schooling and raising my own little lady, I have not had much time to come and update here.

But as I was reading this article today, these words immediately popped out at me. "It is my belief each person has the ability to know what is right for him or herself. My intent is to educate (v.-educare-to draw forth [inner knowing]) the natural wisdom of the client. I make available to the client knowledge that the client already has. It is within ourselves we find the information we need to take care of ourselves."

That is exactly how I feel about the educating I do with my doula clients. I believe that mamas and daddies have an internal wisdom that guides them in how they want to give birth and raise their child. If you strip away all the cultural media messages, all the friend's well meaning horror stories, all the preconceived notions of birth and child-rearing... you know, innately, how you should birth. Yes, it is wonderful to educate yourself with facts and studies and scientific knowledge... but equally or even more important is to educate yourself on you and what you already know in your heart.

I believe that mothers, especially, have amazingly powerful instincts with regards to their bodies and babies that need only to be tapped into, and listened to. If we only knew the power we hold... if we only honored our indwelling wisdom.. if we only connected and communicated with our unborn babies, we would be a hurricane force of love and energy!

When was the last time you quieted your mind to listen to your heart?


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